Sunday, October 5, 2008


I am thrilled that my career as a photography "enthusiast", something more than a hobbyist, has taken me to the point where high school seniors ask if I will photograph their senior pictures. The young adults have a huge emotional commitment to the photos, using them to mark the end of an important phase of their lives. After struggling with my own children to get them to allow Dad to be their photographer, it is more than a little satisfying that I am now in actual demand.

The truth is, I love doing it because it is so relaxing. When I capture just the right image, I am practically misty-eyed. I am able to freeze an instant in time that the subject will proudly point to for years to come. It is an honor to be a part the moment and I love sharing the excitement the subject expresses when they see the result and look forward to circulating it among their friends and family.

What compelled me to post this? I'm still tingling over the results of today's shoot:

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